I didn't want to run today. In fact, I came very close to not running today, BUT it was a beautiful day (minus the wind), I felt the need to make up for the running that my motivation partner (that's you Chris) wasn't doing because she was battling the plague, and I figured I might as well walk/run to the advanced voting poles since I forgot to stop on my drive home. With those reasons in tow, I walked/ran 4.2 miles in about 75 minutes. Yes, I know this is not a fast pace, but I'm just starting this whole running thing, so for me, an 18 minute mile is the best I can do right now.
Moving on to my trip...I have so many things to do! It seems like the closer I get to departure day, the more things that pop into my head and get added to my to-do list. Today I managed to get my car maintenance stuff taken care of. Summer tires back on, oil changed, and now all that's left to do is a wash before it sits untouched for 4-months. I finally bought a handmade journal from Bangladesh at Ten Thousand Villages which will become my travel journal as I embark on this adventure. Now, only about 100 other things to purchase and take care of in the less than two weeks I have before I leave, and I'll be set!