Tuesday, March 31, 2015

A-Z Challenge: Random Acts of Kindness beginning with "A"

Throughout the A-Z Challenge I'll be blogging through the alphabet using each letter to create an inspiring list of Random Acts of Kindness. I've been collecting RAK ideas for some time now as I gear up to the 2016 launch of a project near and dear to my heart: B(e) Kind 366. I'll be performing an act of kindness every day of the leap year starting January 1st, 2016 while raising funds for World University Service of Canada (WUSC), an organisation that has changed my life.

I'm starting each post with a synonym (of sorts) for kindness. I added this part to my posts because of an amazing movement I am a part of 1000 Voices Speak for Compassion. We link up monthly and blog about changing the world for the better. It's magical really.

A is for Acceptance & Appreciation

Random Acts of Kindess Foundation
Adopt - an animal from a shelter (but only if you're serious about caring for a pet), a family during the holidays (a number of different organisations run programs like this), a star!
Advice - give some to someone who asks for it, take some from someone who gives it.
Allow - someone to go ahead of you in line, to cut into traffic.
Ally - become one! Take ally training.
Ask - before you borrow something, if you can help, if everything is ok.
Assist - someone, anyone with something, anything!
Astronomy - find out if there is a local astronomical observatory in your community (usually located at a university) and take part in a public star gazing event. You won't regret it!
Attend - a fundraiser, an advertised event.   

Some of these letter lists will include an item that has extra special importance to B(e) Kind 366. For "A" the special RAK is Art - make it for a gift or for yourself, visit a gallery, enjoy it! (I’ll be sending mail art to everyone who donates to B(e) Kind 366 in the month of May.)

That brings me to the end of my A-list! Please help me build my list of Random Acts of Kindness by leaving suggestions in the comments!

Want to win some Jane Austen swag?! Who doesn't?! Check out my super fun "If Jane Austen Blogged A-Z" post and test your Janeite knowledge!


  1. It's a beautiful theme Brandy! looking forward to reading such inspirational thoughts every day!

    1. Thank you! I'm really enjoying making the lists! I do hope you keep stopping by.

  2. You really came up with lots of A's. So the art thing, I think the learning logs afghan I'm working on could be considered art...in fact I think making one a different size that could be hung on a wall would be a cool fiber art piece and I could give it away...you've got me thinking.

  3. A wonderful theme. Think how nice the world would be if everyone did one kind act a day. Very inspiring.

    1. Wouldn't it, Beverly?! I hope my blog and project inspires others to spread some kindness as well.

  4. I love the giving spirit of your challenge theme this year. Awesome!

    1. Thanks, Stephanie! It's a lot of fun making the lists.

  5. What a great theme. The world can certainly use more kindness. Enjoy the Challenge!

    Faye at Destination: Fiction

    1. Thanks Faye! I agree completely! Here's hoping I can inspire some others :)

  6. Great idea for a happy and inspiring theme! Good luck with the challenge!

  7. What a neat idea of a-to-z and started well. My daughter wants to take an astronomy class this weekend.

  8. 'Your theme' even...damn typos o_O

    1. Ha Ha! No problem! It can be your theme too :)
