Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day 3

I did a few kind things today.

1. Paid special attention and held doors open for everyone coming behind me through the same doorways.
2. Made a point of checking in on a colleague I knew had a root canal done yesterday.
3. Tipped my esthetician twice as much as I normally would.

Those are the smaller things I did that just happened to come my way today. On a more planned note, I sent emails, text messages, and photo facebook messages in an attempt to get my friends and family to smile! I was quite successful if I do say so myself!

Day 3 done and lovin' this challenge!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. L.O.L. O.M.G. This pic is so funny!!!!
    -Helaina Posey of Madison VA.
