Tuesday, April 14, 2015

A-Z Challenge: Random Acts of Kindness beginning with "L"

Throughout the A-Z Challenge I'll be blogging through the alphabet using each letter to create a list of Random Acts of Kindness. I've been collecting RAK ideas for some time now as I gear up to the 2016 launch of a project dear to my heart: B(e) Kind 366. I'll be performing an act of kindness every day of the leap year starting January 1st, 2016 while raising funds for World University Service of Canada (WUSC), an organisation that changed my life.

I'm starting each post with a synonym (of sorts) for kindness. I added this part to my posts because of an amazing movement I am a part of 1000 Voices Speak for Compassion. We link up monthly and blog about changing the world for the better. It's magical really. We're even on Twitter! @1000Speak

L is for Love

Learn – something new! A language, a skill, a new word every day!
Lemonade – make some, share some. Play the video; I promise it will not disappoint!
Letter – as in the old school way of communicating! Paper, envelope, stamp, send it to someone special or a stranger! Leave a stamped envelope and a blank card for someone else to fill out and send.
Litter – pick it up!
Lotto tickets – leave some scratch and wins for a lucky stranger to find.
Lunch – pay for a friend’s or better yet a stranger’s!

That's it for my "L" List! I'm always looking for more RAK ideas so if any come to mind please do post them in the comments!

Check out my super fun "If Jane Austen Blogged A-Z" post, test your Janeite knowledge, and win some Jane Austen swag!


  1. Love is a most powerful thing indeed. As is Licorice. Now I want lunch. :)

    1. I realize now that the reason I bought a package of licorice the other day likely had a lot to do with writing this post!

  2. Letter...nice idea, no one writes letters anymore. Been years I know since I have. Since I'm on my ipad I'm not seeing some of the links, changes in color you mentioned. Gonna have to go back to J and look again. Using my ipad while out of town has made visits a bit more difficult then when at home on my computer.

    1. iPads can be tricky! I have one too, but much prefer my laptop for all things blog-related.

  3. I love your L list. I'm hungry now...and thirsty!

  4. Love all the Ls! I always smile when I get a letter in the mail. Learning new words is fun too! :)

    1. I can't remember the last time I actually got anything in the mail other than a bill!
