Thursday, April 9, 2015

A-Z Challenge: Random Acts of Kindness beginning with "H"

Throughout the A-Z Challenge I'll be blogging through the alphabet using each letter to create a list of Random Acts of Kindness. I've been collecting RAK ideas for some time now as I gear up to the 2016 launch of a project dear to my heart: B(e) Kind 366. I'll be performing an act of kindness every day of the leap year starting January 1st, 2016 while raising funds for World University Service of Canada (WUSC), an organisation that changed my life.

I'm starting each post with a synonym (of sorts) for kindness. I added this part to my posts because of an amazing movement I am a part of 1000 Voices Speak for Compassion. We link up monthly and blog about changing the world for the better. It's magical really. We're even on Twitter! @1000Speak

H is for Happiness

HappinessCafe - approach a local cafe about hosting a day or week long event.
Heat - turn it off for one cool weather day.
Hello - say it to someone, anyone, everyone - especially a stranger!
Help - someone, anyone do something, anything! Carry groceries, shovel snow, rake leaves. Help someone who has dropped something.
Homeless - do something for them. Volunteer at a soup kitchen, give your spare change, put hats and scarves in places they can be easily found.
Hug - a loved one, a friend, a stranger. Give out free ones! Send one in the mail

That's it for my "H" List! I'm always on the look out for more ideas so please help me build my list of Random Acts of Kindness by leaving suggestions in the comments!

Want to win some Jane Austen swag?! Who doesn't?! Check out my super fun "If Jane Austen Blogged A-Z" post and test your Janeite knowledge!


  1. Having served with the homeless on many occasions, I am definitely going to bring my three boys to serve in a "soup kitchen" when they are older - if only so they will, for once, appreciate the blessings they have at home!

    PS... I LOVE, love, love that scarf idea.. how cool is that (excuse the pun :)

  2. Changing this world must start with our youth. Teaching your children compassion is one of the best lessons you can teach them! I love the scarf idea too and definitely plan to do it!
