Friday, April 12, 2013

A-Z Challenge: K is for Kindle

My 'K' post for A-Z was going to be about kindness, but then I started doing some research into interesting 'X' words and the word I decided to use for X would ultimately result in the same post as a "K is for Kindness" post. Can you guess what my 'X' word is?

Anyway, I decided to go with K is for Kindle and it fits into my "All Things Grad School" theme because the last thing I purchased for my Kindle was the Jane Austen Collection: 18 Works, Pride and Prejudice, Love and Friendship, Emma, Persuasion, Northanger Abbey, Mansfield Park, Lady Susan & more! 

The & more refers to: Sense and Sensibility, The Watsons, Sanditon, Lesley Castle, The History of England, Collection of Letters, The Female Philosopher, The First Act of a Comedy, A Letter from a Young Lady, A Tour Through Wales, and A Tale.

Basically, I have an electronic copy of everything in existence that Jane Austen ever wrote. The best part about the whole thing is that I only paid $1.99 CAD for all of it! Crazy, right?!

As an incredibly interesting aside, when I received my Kindle and opened it up this is what it looked like:

I kid you not!

To be honest, I will always prefer hard copy versions of books, but I sure am glad I have a Kindle, especially when I find deals like this! What about you? Do you have a Kindle or some kind of e-reader?


  1. You are Jane Addict, I suppose! :)

    And I don't have a Kindle yet, but in my wishlist. :)

  2. Still trying to convince myself to get the Kindle... love the Africa art in your main Pic!

  3. The fact that your Kindle was showing Jane Austen at the time you opened it is almost scary given your affinity for her work. And I'm glad you showed me that collection. I have now added her works to my to-be-read list. (For $1.99 how could I pass it up?) :)
