Friday, June 14, 2013

Celebrate The Small Things - June 14 & Photo-a-Day - 14: texture

It's Friday, the end of the work week and the start of the weekend, those things alone are cause to celebrate! I do have a few more things to add to VikLit's Celebrate The Small Things blog hop. It's really quite lovely to make a point, every week, of reflecting on the reasons, no matter how small, that give me cause to celebrate.

This week I'm celebrating the receipt of two more donations to the WUSC Student Refugee Program after re-launching my fundraising website. In connection to my fundraising efforts, I ran/walked 5km 4 times this week. I'm up to solidly jogging 2.5km which is somewhat disheartening considering I used to be able to run 17km with little issue, BUT, we're celebrating, right?! so I'll focus on the fact that I am slowly rebuilding my endurance.

I'm celebrating my contest win and associated feature blog post over on M.J. Joachim's Writing Tips.

I'm celebrating the honour of representing WUSC at the Manitoba Council of International Cooperation Annual General Meeting. In direct connection with that, I am celebrating that I am part of a generation of youth that is dedicated to making this world a better place. The youth panel included young men and women who have done volunteer work and/or research in Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, and Nicaragua (to name a few). Perhaps the most empowering statement that I took with me is the following: "The youth in developing nations know what they need; they just need to be asked." Brilliant!

Finally, I am celebrating the fact that I am sitting and writing this blog in the comfort of my Mom's living room. I got to eat her scrumptious chilli for dinner tonight and tomorrow I'll be spending time with some of my family at a cousin's wedding. I really needed this "break from reality" so I intend to cherish it!

Now for today's June: Photo-A-Day prompt:
The stitching on a dress that I purchased in Botswana - so delicate, so soft, so comfortable. 


  1. Wonderful list! Congrats on all you've achieved :)

  2. Sounds like a great week for you and the groups you fund raise for.


  3. You, lady, are the bomb! I love your energy and what you're trying to accomplish.

  4. Sounds like you're a busy lady! Glad for you with your group success, and enjoy your free moment and fun at the wedding! Writer’s Mark

  5. You know, I just might celebrate getting to know you. You are hot stuff, keep going at it! Hey I dont know if you got the memo...ha...but new blog address...hopefully this will reroute you to it...if not... also set up a cant find the website pg that should allow you to just click the new address. Thanks,Brandy...spelling! see what I did there?!

    1. ha...still cant spell...left the wrong address. no blogspot in sweat it should just reroute with what you have.

  6. Sounds like you've got alot going on. Enjoy your time with your Mom, and the wedding. Nice charity, Keep up the good work!
