Saturday, June 1, 2013

Celebrate The Small Things - May 31 (Graduation Edition)

 Every Friday, a list of really cool people powered by VikLit over at Scribblings of an Aspiring Author write a blog post about Celebrating The Small Things. This week, my post is a day late, but I have a legitimately good excuse. I GRADUATED yesterday - with a Bachelor of Arts Honours, to be exact.

I suppose you can guess what I am celebrating this week:
7 years
40 classes
132 credits
30(ish) research papers
a 37-page undergraduate thesis
all adding up to - Brandy Robertson, B.A. (Hons)

I am celebrating... the Silver Medal in English in my right hand
and the Bachelor of Arts Honours Degree in my left!

I am celebrating... moving my tassel from the right to the left.

I am celebrating... these two women; I wouldn't be here,
be capable of any of this, without them!

I am celebrating... my bestie who I can count on
any time, any where, for any thing!

I am celebrating... this guy, Farmer Joe, my fiance
because he's just enough to want to marry crazy me!

I am celebrating... these two cute brutes because
they'd love me whether I was smart or dumb as a post!

As you can see, I have not-so-small things to celebrate again this week. One small thing I'll mention, though, is the Mindfulness Workshop that I was able to attend that helped me to embrace every moment of my wonderful Friday!


  1. LOOK AT YOU! All graduated and smart ... well you always were smart but ALL GRADUATED! WOOHOO! You are my new idol! You do everything to the max...awards, family, doggies....I gotta meet you in person some day...but til then I will just cont to admire you from here! YOu and the chicken man look great together! Even the dogs look proud of you! CONGRATULATIONS!Z~

  2. Woohoo! Congratulations! So happy for you and proud of you too!

    Also, saw your comment on my blog - you can still play. We have a blog hopper marathon triathlon taking place all weekend.

    Hope you'll join in the fun, Brandy!

  3. CONGRATULATIONS! That's so great and look at YOU! All graduated! WOOO!

  4. Whooop! Congratulations! Looks like you had a wonderful time. :-)

  5. High five! Way to kick ass Brandy! Good work!
