Friday, June 21, 2013

Celebrate the Small Things - June 21

I've had such an insane week that I almost forgot to post about my celebrations. Hop on over to VikLit's blog Scribblings of an Aspiring Author to get all of the details for this wonderful Friday theme.

I met with my Creative Writing professor on Monday and her feedback on my thesis doesn't require me to do nearly as much editing as I thought it would. I'm not off the hook and I still have a lot of work ahead of me, but it's well on its way.

On Wednesday, I said goodbye to some fantastic people as I served my final day as a member of the Board of Directors for The Marquis Project. Because I am moving away to Fredericton very soon, I can no longer volunteer here in Brandon on the board. While that may seem like a sad thing rather than something to celebrate, it's all part of moving on with my life and starting a new adventure. I am celebrating the fact that I have spent the last year volunteering with this organisation rather than the fact that I am saying goodbye to it and the people involved.

On Thursday, I celebrated the upcoming birth of my coworker's baby with a baby shower. It was a lovely afternoon during which the mommy-to-be was showered with practical and adorable gifts.

Throughout the week I have been running around getting everything together for my best friend's bridal shower on Sunday.I finally have it all set and I am excited to spend the day with her. She may murder me when she is presented with the bikini full of all of the ribbons and bows from the gifts that I am going to make her put on over her clothes, but that's what friends are for!

Today, I had the day off of work to pack my country home and prepare to move myself into the city. I am celebrating the fact that despite my feet being in a constant state of pain, I have almost my entire house packed and ready to move tomorrow.


  1. Wow, a few thesis edits, a baby shower, a bridal shower, and a move. You're really busy! I hope the move goes well, and I know you'll enjoy the new adventures in your new home. :-)

  2. What a load of fun you have in store for you!! You are quite the busy lady and social butterfly. I am jealous. Enjoy!!


  3. Lots of exciting stuff for you this week and new adventures on the horizon. Congratulations and have fun.

  4. Lots of great things to celebrate, Brandy! good job. Hope you have a wonderful week.

  5. Lots of exciting things happening. Have a lovely week! :)

  6. Glad to hear good stuff is going on! Sorry , been out of commission again...hoping to stick this time. I havent even gotten back to your award yet and I really LIKE THAT one!
