Monday, June 10, 2013

Whore It Up Award: Guilty Pleasures

Starr over at The Insomniac's Dream created her own blog award (because she's cool like that) called the Whore It Up Award. During her second round of award presentations, yours truly made the cut!

So here's how the award works:
1. Upon receiving the award, you receive a prompt. You are to write about said prompt (whenever you feel like it).
2. Link back to who gave you this award and include the picture of the award in your post.
3. Pass it on to five bloggers (you can tag back if you want to read what your presenter has to say about the topic you come up with.)
4. Come up with a prompt for the five bloggers you chose.
5. When you finally do get around to writing the prompt you were given, let the blogger who presented you this award know so they can read it.

My prompt: Guilty Pleasures

I'll start with the most risqué and work my way down to the tamer pleasures.

I've already admitted that I enjoy watching porn and masturbating. I own a rabbit (yes, that's the one that Charlotte must be pried away from in SATC) and an egg (every woman should own one of these) and I enjoy spending time with them very much.

Moving on to a GP that is only slightly less inelegant, I have a thing for really raunchy music, played really loud, especially when I am running. Some examples would be most songs by DMX and Eminem and then there's "Shots" by LMFAO. It never fails; when one of these songs comes on, I can always kick up the energy a bit and run further faster.

Next is a GP that involves clothing - braless and brightly coloured fluffy socks; that's all that's really required there, I think.

And finally some GPs that involve food. Basically, any and all kinds of junk food fit the category for me. Yes, I am that girl that can devour an entire pizza or a large bag of potato chips and a whole container of dip, but here are some of the stranger things I insert through my mouth and into my stomach: perogies with mayonnaise, chicken fingers with corn syrup, Coke and chocolate. YUM!

Now to the pimping out of this award:

Julie from Julie You Jest
Suzanne from Times Squared
Zoe from rewritten
Kirsten from Black Coffee and Cigarettes
Laeli from Words To Live By

...your prompt should you choose to accept it:

The movie of your life: what is the genre? what is the setting? who plays you and why?


  1. We have a lot in common I see. The music, I understand. Same type of music I listen to when I am out walking (used to go to the gym) or cleaning. Black Eyed Peas should be mentioned, too.

    As for your food indulgences, gross.

    -The Insomniacs Dream

    1. Yes, BEP are on my list too and come on, just try a nugget with corn syrup...

  2. oooh I likey! Thanks Brandy.

    You're turning me on with all the food talk.

  3. Brandy (said in a sicky sweet whine of appreciation), I love this award! I have been called whore by so much less classy than yourself...Im really coming up in the world! My mother will be so proud! Im gonna get to work now!And I dont mean lying down...well okay, I AM lying down...but still.

    1. I know, right?! Starr is pretty awesome. Lying down is the best way to work!

  4. Hey Brandy, Congratulations on your award. Just want you to know, I haven't forgotten and I'm working on it...Life has been so crazy lately, catch up is happening slowly, but surely:)

    1. Thanks M.J.; this one is a little out of the ordinary so to speak, but the writing prompt was fun. No rush on the posts on your blog. I've got nothing but time...until September when my MA starts :)

    2. First one just went live... :)

  5. The award is wonderful. Your diet, not so much. Had to stop by and say hi after reading M.J. Joachim's blog today.
