Friday, June 7, 2013

Celebrating The Small Things - June 7

Every Friday a bunch of us bloggers taking part in Celebrate The Small Things hosted over at Scribblings of an Aspiring Author post about the things that we have cause to celebrate throughout the week. Sometimes these things are big, sometimes even huge, but most times they are simple things that make us smile.

The sun is shining today and it shone yesterday making it finally finally finally (yes, 3 are necessary) feel like summer is going to make it to Brandon, Manitoba. THAT is definite cause for celebration.

I am moving into a small house in the city soon so I am celebrating no more flooded basements, no more yellowy brown water, fewer wood ticks, a cold water shower tap that will work properly, having a bathtub (gosh I miss having a bathtub), and high speed internet that doesn't crash every five minutes.

A friend of mine was accepted at her first choice articling position after she graduates Law School next spring. Friends doing spectacular things is one of my favourite reasons to celebrate.

I managed to get eighteen boxes of textbooks packed up and sent on their way to Africa. It's always so much work, but when that stack of boxes is all taped and labelled, it feels great. I've seen the results on the other end of the shipments; it's miraculous and so worth the effort.

Finally, I am celebrating the successful re-launch of my running blog: Running for Refugees, and associated fundraising efforts. Since the re-vamp and minor promotion yesterday, I've received two donations to WUSC's Student Refugee Program, a cause that will never leave my heart as long as I live.

Cheers to you and whatever you are celebrating this week!


  1. So glad you have those things to celebrate, Brandy. It's great that you'll have your own little house soon. It'll be so much nicer for you. Congrats on all the work you do for other people. You're making the world a better place! D

    1. We'll still be renting, but it'll be more convenient for us! Doing things for other people is the only life I could ever know, so thank you!

  2. It is SO nice celebrating good things for friends! Congrats on your new place!

  3. Woot on all your running. Summer is slow to show up in Cenral Oregon, too, but we have the a/c in already... about 6 weeks earlier than usual. Have a stress-free move.

    1. Thanks! I hope the weather is nice for the move.

  4. Those are good things to celebrate! Ticks....ewwwwwwww, cold shower ewwwwwwwww. I'm not one that ever uses a bath tub; but I know lots of folks really enjoy them. Good luck with the move.

    1. I am used to ticks at this point and it's more like burning hot showers since the cold tap is nearly impossible to turn on. I love a nice relaxing soak in a tub from time to time, especially after a long run.

  5. Sunshine + small house + spectacular friend + textbook shipment + blog re-launch = wonderful things to celebrate!
    Happy Friday!
    Writer In Transit

  6. Brandy, thanks for visiting my blog. I mentioned to my husband, a baker, that I'd had a comment from Manitoba and he said: 'The best wheat in the world comes from Manitoba.' Something else to celebrate - haha.

    1. The best wheat, indeed! I live in Brandon, Manitoba - known as the Wheat City.

  7. Your new house sounds great. Can't beat a nice long bath. ;-)

    1. I can't wait to move...and have a nice soak!

  8. Replies
    1. Sadly (well not so sadly for me) Joe's chickens were birdnapped by a band of coyotes. Poor guy; I did feel a little sorry for him.
